Dream Of Riding A Hot Air Balloon? Check Out The 5 Best Places In The World!

From childhood I used to play with balloons. And when you see a hot air balloon, you really want to get on it and reach the sky. Now the dream of flying in a hot air balloon is no longer just wishful thinking. You can achieve it now!

Many countries now offer hot air balloon tours. Hot air balloon flight is one of the most interesting attractions that can attract many tourists who want to experience it. If you’re on a budget, try it at least once in your life!

Here are the 5 best places in the world to go hot air ballooning to make your dreams come true!

1. Cappadocia, Türkiye

If we talk about hot air balloons, Cappadocia and Türkiye will be at the top of the list. This place is very popular among tourists from all over the world as a tourist destination where you can enjoy the beauty of Cappadocia from the air with a hot air balloon.

On arrival in Cappadocia you can go straight to Goreme for a hot air balloon ride. The best feature of this city is the numerous residential buildings, hotels, museums and restaurants located in the rocks there.

This view is interesting when you ride a hot air balloon. And doing it early in the day gives you the chance to catch the sunrise when you’re already at the top. Extraordinary!

Expect to pay around IDR 3 million for a hot air balloon ride in Cappadocia for about an hour. Rate the experience you get.

2. Bagan, Myanmar

Myanmar is known as the land of 1,000 pagodas. And in the Bagan area, you can see the splendor of the pagoda from a hot air balloon with beautiful views of the surroundings. You will never forget that moment for the rest of your life!

Hot air balloon rides in Bagan are more expensive than in Cappadocia. You have to spend about Rp 4.5 million to go there with a hot air balloon.

From October to April you can take a hot air balloon ride and see the beauty of Bagan. Hot air balloon tour operators usually do not operate during the summer months.

3. Vang Vieng, Laos

Compared to hot air balloon tours in Cappadocia and Bagan, you can save more money to fulfill your dream of flying hot air balloons in Vang Vieng, Laos. It only costs about IDR 1 million!

Much cheaper, but of course the safety factor remains a priority. The view from the hot air balloon is also very beautiful.

From the top of Van Vieng you can see the beautiful karst hills with many tropical trees, rice fields and the flow of the Nam Song River!

4. Melbourne, Australia

Neighboring Australia also actively promotes hot air balloon tours in Melbourne. Hot air balloon rides in Melbourne are a great way to see the city from above.

Look at the city’s neatly arranged tall buildings. Seeing the city lights over the Melbourne skyline at night is just amazing!

Outside of Melbourne, you can also enjoy hot air balloon rides in the Yarra Valley, about an hour’s drive from Melbourne.

At a cost of around IDR 4 million, you can see the vast Yarra Valley vineyards from above. If you’re lucky, you might even see kangaroos, Australia’s unique animal.

5. Queenstown, New Zealand

Hot air balloon rides are available from many locations in New Zealand, one of which is Queenstown. The snow-capped Southern Alps, Lake Wakatipu, rivers and golf courses are the beautiful and unforgettable sights you will see on a hot air balloon tour of Queenstown.

Hot air balloon ride in Queenstown costs about 7 million rupiah, quite expensive compared to other places. This price usually includes round trip transport from the inn. If you want to get a feel for what it’s like to ride a hot air balloon in Queenstown, balloon operators are available all year round.

Have you decided which country to live your dream of flying in a hot air balloon? Usually after landing you get a certificate and have a banquet. Different countries have different perspectives and unique characteristics, so it’s up to you to choose the one that suits your budget, facilities and needs.

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