Welcome to Antique Hunting Secrets!
My name is Trevor Rosper and I have been Studying Antiques, for as long as I can remember. I started AntiqueHuntingSecrets.com, as a free antique course on study of antiques for those who wish to learn how to value an antique and get the most out of buying, collecting and selling these amazing objects from the past.
Feel free to browse the links on this site for more information about antiques, or signup for my 12-part antique email course below, where you’ll receive one lesson per day in your email box.
Study of Antiques For Fun
Most people collect or hoard something of interest or specific objects at some stage of their life and antiques are just one of the many hobbys that people like to dabble in. There is such a vast range of items to collect
and any number of reasons why people collect them, from the bizarre to the ordinary.
To some, antiques is more than hobby, it’s a business, and a very lucrative one at that. Hunting for antiques can be rewarding on many different levels whether it’s for historical reasons, decorative means or purchased for profit.
Why Collect Antiques?
Lets explore some of the reasons why some antique collectors, buyers and dealers are so smitten by antiques.
It seems that for many, it’s their obsession or passion for history. They have a foot stuck firmly in the past. Perhaps, in some way, a specific antique touched a nostalgic moment of time during their childhood, when life appeared to be more innocent and technology seemed far behind. These days we are surrounded and bombarded by the latest gizmos, pressurized to buy the must-have gadgets and fed by television. So, by collecting antique memorabilia, collectors experience that they are still in touch with a very different world, a period of time that has passed, but has survived through their passion of antiques.
Collecting Antiques For Business
Then there is the business end. Little romance, less passion but love of the pound, euro and dollar. They see an angle or a void and they fill it. Experience and skill is what these dealers and collectors need to have to spot a market, to see a profit and predict what may be the next sought after antique. It is how they earn their living. They are up against many who earn
a crust the same way. They can recognize objects, hopefully, get a good price for antiques, then sell it for a decent profit. That’s the name of the game.
There is no guarantee that your particular antique interest will make a good investment, as the antiques market fluctuates from year to year, and demand dictates what makes a decent profit. Arm yourself to the teeth with as much information as you can in your field of interest, including the differences between genuine and imitation antiques, so as to make well-informed decisions.
Really, the key to success in your antique hunting efforts – is to study antiques, read and learn, as much as you can, check to see what’s selling in your local auction house, journals and the internet. Practically, anything over a hundred years old could be regarded as an antique, so, as regards to collecting – the world is your oyster.
If you happened to be interested in collecting antiques, but not too worried about making a profit, then there is little doubt that you will find this a fun and fulfilling hobby and, who knows, perhaps, your chosen antique purchases may turn out to be good investments. As mentioned earlier, all sorts of items are collected. Anything from furniture, pottery and glassware to stamps, toys and coins, and the key to success – is to know your market. Arm yourself to the teeth with as much information as you can in your field of interest, including the differences between genuine and imitation antiques, so as to make well-informed decisions.